新葡萄8883官网AMG工坊拥有非常独特的糖化设备,两个糖化过滤罐、两个煮沸罐以及两套外置加热炮,给这套20bbl的装置以非凡的加热强度和酿造效率,40p的大麦酒就出自这里(见图)。 这套装置还有麦芽自动输送、阀门气动遥控等功能,能够减轻酿酒师的劳动强度,辅以多个25hL、50hL的发酵罐,新葡萄8883官网AMG工坊目前的酿造能力可达到每月150kL。 新葡萄8883官网AMG已购入乐惠10T糖化六器以及100hL、200hL、400hL的发酵罐,麦芽处理、酵母扩培等也做了全面升级,2024年3月份,一个万吨级酿造能力的新葡萄8883官网AMG将呈现在您眼前。
Sinobrew owns an unique brew house:2*mashing/lautering kettles,2*boiling kettles and 2*external heating guns, allows the 20bbl extra heating strength and brewing efficiency.As the figure shows a 40p barley wine had been brewed here Also the brew-master's life is easier here by malt auto transmmission and Pneumatic valves control etc. The brewing capacity of Sinobrew is 1500hL per month now,fermentation vessels are 25hL and 50hL each. Second 100hL (6 kettles) and 100hL/200hL/400hL fermentators are under installation, in March 2024, a brand-new Sinobrew will be there with more than 100 thousand hL.